The agenda will be available from the DocDB pages.
The preliminary agenda:
- Monday Oct 13 : NEMO3
AM: 10h00-12h30 : Sessions
PM: 14h00-18h00 : Sessions
- Tuesday Oct 14 : SuperNEMO (day1)
AM: 9h00-12h30 : Sessions
PM: 14h00-18h00 : Sessions
- Wednesday Oct 15 : SuperNEMO (day2)
AM: 9h00-12h30 : Sessions
PM: 14h00-15h00 : Sessions
15h00-23h30 : Social event
15h15: departure from the collaboration meeting room:
Travel (by bus) to Bayeux city (30km from Caen)
- 16h00: arrival in Bayeux (city center)
- 16h00-17h30: visit the Bayeux Tapestry (
- 17h30-19h00: free visits of the Cathedral and the Old Bayeux (the city was not destroyed in 1944)
- 19h30-22h30: collaboration dinner at "Le Lion D'Or", gourmet restaurant
- 22h30-23h00: back to Caen (by bus), arrival Caen city centre
- Thursday 0ct 16 : SuperNEMO (day3)
AM: 9h00-12h30 : Sessions
PM: 14h00-18h00?: Sessions
Friday Oct 17:
Slow control meeting at LPC Caen